Thursday, October 29, 2015

Moles and Stuff

We made moles in chemistry, yes that's right moles like the kind that dig holes in the ground. Apparently the number 6.02214179 × 10 23 in chemistry is a "mole" that's the scientific name. This was one strange project but I won't complain making a mole was fun.


  1. Wow! A chemistry mole is apparently very, very long. Thank God that a real mole isn't that long, or I would be sewing forever! :) And yes I do agree that mole day was fun. We didn't do anything and had a lot of food.

  2. Tyler, I agree that Mole Day was pretty fun. It was cool to take a break from the usual lecture and just kind of chill with friends and food.

  3. The Mole Day was really fun and it is really good way to help us remember the number 6.02214179 × 10 23.

  4. The Mole Day was really fun and it is really good way to help us remember the number 6.02214179 × 10 23.
