Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Copper Chloride Lab Day 2

On day 2 of the Copper Chloride & Iron Lab the copper had grown a lot over night. It was very interesting to see what was once a thin layer of copper on the nail, had about tripled in size in one day.

Copper Chloride Lab

We had another lab today that stretches out over 3 days. Today's part consisted of mixing water and copper chloride, and then putting an iron nail in the liquid, letting it sit. It took about 5 minutes, and as nothing much happened today.

Stoichiometry Lesson

The lessons we learn about stoichiometry aren't hard to understand. For me it's just applying them that get's tricky. Everything has been pretty easy as it just follows a few basic steps, and as long as you memorize which steps to take and when, it can be easily done. Other than that, all you need is knowing conversion skills which we learned in the measurement unit.

Stoichiometry Test

We took a stoichiometry test and I'm pretty sure I failed I had no idea what I was doing I had forgotten everything by the time I got to 5th hour. It was a difficult test and I see that I need to study it more.

Metals Lab

It was definitely one of my favorite labs there were many unexpected reactions. These observations ranged from a milky bubbling to a dark brown, murky substance. The reactions that included calcium as a reactant tended to be very violent, and the majority of them produced smoke. Another reaction gave off a very disgusting odor. We couldn't tell which one as we filled the wellplate up, making it impossible to identify the exact reaction that was giving off that odor.


A decomposition reaction is when a more complex substance breaks down into its more simple parts. It is thus the opposite of a synthesis reaction. The way this is shown is, AB --> A+B

More Chemical Reactions

A chemical reaction is when two or more substances react together to create something else. Chemical reactions encompass changes that only involve the positions of electrons in the forming and breaking of chemical bonds between atoms, with no change to the nuclei (no change to the elements present), and can often be described by a chemical equation.


Beginning Chemical Reactions

The substance initially involved in a chemical reaction are called reactants or reagents. Chemical reactions are usually characterized by a chemical change, and they yield one or more products, which usually have properties different from the reactants.


We learned about the different types of RedOx. This includes synthesis, decomposition, single replacement reactions, and combustion.  Redox reactions are reactions in which electrons have been transferred.